I wish I could say that I had a perfectly ordered studio, with a “place for everything and everything in its place.”  Instead, inside I have a very large space with a corner here for still life props, and there for image files, another corner for framing odds and ends, and still another for storing tubes of paint and cleaning brushes.  My assembled “tools of the trade” are all packed and portable to paint out or in.  Easels are placed wherever the light suits me that day, preferably near a table to hold brushes, rags, medium, and the tossed aside palette knife I will most assuredly need at my fingertips. I have a ledge for still life set-ups and lamps to cast the light I will need.  The walls are double hung with my paintings and I can see changes in my painting style over the years.  This studio is perfect for me and perfectly adaptable to my painting projects in any season.  Many days of the year, however,  my studio is anyplace outdoors where my eye has caught some magic light and the emerald greens of the Midwest shine into a golden fall.


Along the Little Miami River in Loveland,  OH


  Glenwood Gardens Prairie in Hamilton County, OH